I'm so bummed because tomorrow Spring Break is over and I get to go back to school and start track! Fun! Well, anyways, I had a great week off. My parents took me and my little brother and sister to a resort and water park place somewhere in Idaho, I think. We stayed their for about half of Sunday, Sunday night, and most of Monday. They have this great skiing area too and this gondola ride/ski lift that takes up skiers and people looking for a thrill. Well, my dad and I are the daredevils of the family, so we decided we try it (by the way, it's the world's longest gondola ride, no 15 minute excursion for us)! So we got tickets and hopped in a car, which was completely closed, and headed up the mountain! I started freaking out when we were just above the parking lot. I mean, I totally wanted to do it, it was just that I was completely freaking myself out. My face was hidden in my dad's shoulder, but he made me look up and I did some of my breathing exercises (which I've gotten pretty good at since I struggle with anxiety). He helped calm me down a bit and pretty soon we were over the first hill! The scenery was breathtaking, and we took lots of pictures with our phones to show to the rest of the family when we made it safely down ("If we make it safely down" I was thinking to myself). Anyways, we made it to the top and then went all the way back down. They whole trip took about an hour, and it was worth the expensive tickets!
It was a great way to spend some time with my dad and we had lots of fun! The ride definitely helped me face my fears too, which at the moment were that the gondola cord would snap and we go plummeting down a super steep cliff. And being up on top of the mountain, where there was still some snow, was just amazing! God is so creative, and being up in the mountains, or down by the ocean, or even seeing a sunset from your backyard just shows you how wonderful and beautifully He made the world, and you!
If you enjoyed this post, please comment, and if you want to, tell me what one of your fears is!
Heights and spiders