You've probably figured out by now that I'm a big horse freak from all of my pictures and stuff. I don't have a horse. . .yet. I hope to change that soon! I just thought'd I'd pass on a bit of my knowledge.
First of all, adult male horses have two names. If they've been "gelded" (the horse word for neutering) then they're called geldings. If they haven't, they're called stallions. Stallions tend to be much more excitable and wild, and geldings are very laid back and relaxed.
Female horses are always called mares. They can be spayed, but it's usually a very dangerous process, and the chances of them living through it is really small.
Baby horses are called foals, but once they are a year old, they're called yearlings. At that point girl foals become fillies, and boy foals are called yearlings.
Horse personalities vary, depending on the breed. The high-spirited Arabian is usually very flighty. Quarter Horses tend to be much more reliable and calm. There are always exceptions to the rules though. I have two good horse friends, and one is an Arabian and the other is a Quarter Horse. The Arabian is very calm and trusting, while the Quarter Horse is super jumpy and spooks at everything.

They are bred all over the world. Different countries specialize in different types of breeds. Some countries produce stealthy racehorses, while others produce athletic hunters and jumpers. America breeds lots of horses, but is most well known for it's steady, reliable Quarter Horse.
Horses are the most incredible animals in the world. They are highly intelligent, loving, and loyal. Everyone says that dogs are man's best friend, but I think that horses are.
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