Here's some of my favorite movies, and why they are! Hope you might be encouraged to try them!
Mirror Mirror
One of my top movies for sure! I love how it's funny without trying too much, a romance, and an all-around lovable movie. If you haven't seen it, Mirror Mirror is a twist on the classic Snow White story with some new characters and plot changes, but I think it's for the better! Snow White is played by Lily Collins, her prince by Armie Hammer, and the queen by Julia Roberts!
Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer is based on the true story of professional surfer Bethany Hamilton. With the great message, special effects, and gripping story, it'll keep you on your toes, and may even surprise you in the end! AnnaSophia Robb was cast as Bethany Hamilton, Helen Hunt as the mom, Dennis Quaid as the dad, and Carrie Underwood in her debut film as Sarah Hill, Bethany's youth group leader!
This movie is all about Secretariat, the winner of the Triple Crown in 1973. The Triple Crown is a series of three races over a couple of weeks. The races are the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. All three races must all be one by the same horse, and if they're not, then there's no winner. This is a great family movie, but if you aren't big on horses, it might not be your top choice! Penny Chenery is played by Diane Lang.
The Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement
This is my best friend and I's favorite movie that we watch every time we get together! You'll journey with Princess Mia as she struggles to become the queen of her old-fashioned kingdom, Genovia, in a modern world. You'll laugh as she tries to find a husband before it's too late and the crazy escapades that only a very special princess can go on! This movie appeals to the part in every girl that wants to be loved and treated, and just be a princess. Anne Hathaway stars as Princess Mia, and Julie Andrews as her grandmother, the queen.
A Dolphin Tale
The heartwarming story of a dolphin and a boy. You'll laugh and cry as you watch Winter, the dolphin, adapt to life without one of her key limbs. Though it may sound boring, it's a beautiful story, one that your whole family will enjoy! Dr. Clay is played by Harry Connick Jr., Ashley Judd as the mom, Nathan Gamble as Sawyer, Kris Kristofferson as the grandpa, with Hazel played by Cozi Zuehlsdorff.
There are so many other movies that I'd like to list, but these are just a few at the top of my list! I also love all of Pixar's movies, except for Brave, and the classic old Disney ones.
Here's a new blog that one of my best friends just started! It's called Simply Girly-Girl. It's full of stuff for all you girly girls out there! I already love it, and I hope you will too! Check it out at!
First of all, before I say anything else, I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long! I've had volleyball tournaments, some school projects, and life has felt pretty crazy the last week or so! Anyways, I'm going to try and start posting more regularly!
I can't believe that the school year is almost over! After this year, I'll be a freshman! The thought is both terrifying and thrilling. My soon-to-be-high-school had their parent night a month or so ago. I went with my mom and we signed up for my classes!
Here's what I signed up for:
1. Honors English
2. Biology
3. Geometry
4. Health Careers (I want to be a nurse when I grow up, so I thought this would be a good place to start! We'll get to go on field trips to hospitals and doctors clinics!)
5. P.E.
For electives we had to give our top 4 choices:
1. 2nd Year Spanish (I'm taking my 1st year right now)
2. AP European History
3. Biomedical studies (the course description said "CSI meets ER!" so I though that sounded cool!)
4. Digital Photography and Art
We had to write down any activities, clubs or sports we wanted to be involved in:
1. Volleyball
2. Basketball (I want to be either a manager, trainer, or statistician)
3. Track
4. Knowledge Bowl (Like Jeopardy)
5. Drama (This one is definitely iffy. I'd rather work backstage on a production and do costumes and props!)
I won't know which electives I got or what order my classes will be in until Freshmen Orientation when I will get my schedule. Our school also went and visited the high school during the day and we got tours and time to talk with the Leadership students. You could fit 3 of our school into the entire high school! It has 3 levels and a billion different wings. I am sooooooooo going to get lost! It was a little unnerving too when we walked through the cafeteria and all of the upper classmen kept muttering "Fresh meat." Great way to welcome us!
Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I've been really busy! I put together a couple of crafts that are easy and you can finish in a weekend! I have pictures and then the name of the website to find the instructions. Hope you enjoy!
Tom's Pillow
Camera Strap
Twist Headband
Colorful Frames